Cancellation / No Show Up Policy

last updated: May 30.2023


Guests may cancel their trip through our site on support chat or mobile app, and the cancellation is effective immediately. The total amount refunded will depend on when the guest cancels the trip and the length of the trip. The cancellation period is based on the vehicle’s time zone.

  • Free cancellation period
    Guests may cancel free of charge up to 24 hours before their trip starts. Guests who book within 24 hours of their trip have one (1) hour after booking to cancel for free.
  • Non-Refundable Trip Cancellations
    You can book some trips at a discounted, non-refundable price. If this option is available for your trip, we’ll let you know at the time of booking.
  • Early Returns
    There are no credits/refunds issued for early returns except when the guest has requested to shorten their trip and Rental Point has accepted such request. If so, the guest will pay

Cancellation Fees (see below).

  • Guest Cancellation Fees
    For canceled trips longer than two days, a guest is charged one day's Full trip cost.
    For canceled trips two days or shorter, a Cancellation Fee is 50% of one day's Full trip Price.
    The Full trip price includes the trip price, any additional delivery ,insurance and Extras.
    The additional driver fee costs will be refunded in Full if a trip is canceled.
  • Exceptions
    Exceptions to the guest fees shown here may apply in the event of a flight delay or flight cancellation (see below), or other extenuating circumstances.
  • Trip Modifications
    For any trips where the guest requests a trip modification after the free cancellation period has ended, the cancellation policy and any associated fees from before the modification will apply.


If a Guest wants to cancel a booked trip last moment, Guest must notify Rental Point as soon as possible. and process the cancellation through the website. 

If Gust fail to cancel booked Trip and don't show up for pick up the vehicle with out advance note for up to 30 minutes, the Rental Point will cancel the reservation due to not show up.

The Guest who shows up to a trip with no driver license/credit or debit card or with an invalid Broken driver license/credit or debit card, will be  also considering as a Guest no-show.


Rental Point will charge Guest 100% of one day's Full Trip price, If your trip is longer than two days, we'll charge Guest two (2) days' Full Trip price.

  • Flight delay or flight cancellation
    If a guest’s flight is delayed or canceled, guests must inform Rental Point and to request a trip modification for a new start time. If the Rental Point cannot or does not accommodate a new start time and the trip must be canceled, Rental Point will issue a complete refund to the guest who misses their trip as a result of the flight cancellation or delay. Guests must provide supporting documentation, for example, a screenshot from the mobile application or website of the airline showing the flight delay, and must notify the Rental Point via Support Chat.
    To take advantage of this policy, in addition to providing documentation, guests must tell the Rental Point of the flight delay or cancellation at least twelve (12) hours before the scheduled trip start time, or the guest will not receive a refund.
    Also, if the guest’s flight is canceled/delayed more than three (3) days in advance of the trip start time, this policy does not apply. In both cases, the standard Cancellation policy outlined above remains in effect.
  • Rental Point cancellation
    In some cases, Rental Point may need to cancel a reservation after booking to protect against fraud or for trust and safety considerations. Rental Point will notify guests in such an event. When Rental Point must cancel a trip, guests will receive a full refund.
  • Refund period and refund methods
    Refunds are made using the same method as the original payment. Refund takes up to 15 days from the Rental Point's refund confirmation date.